
Showing posts from December, 2015

We must win battle for Internet

Thanks to the Internet, it is easier than ever before for liberty activists to spread news and information regarding the evils of government power and the benefits of freedom.  For the first time in human history, supporters of liberty around the world can share information across borders quickly and cheaply. Without the filter of government censors, this information emboldens millions to question authority and promote liberty. This is why all Americans must do everything possible to oppose and stop  Government attempts to sensor or limit the free flow of information online. One such attempts is known as " CISPA," or the Cyber Itelligence Sharing and Protection Act.  This bill will create a monstrous coalition of big business  and big government to Rob Americans of the their protections under the fourth amendment. CISPA permits both the federal government and private companies to view your private online communications with no judicial oversight, provided they merel

Your wish is your command. How to manifest your desires. Disc12.

In this session, you will learn about additional books, training programs, and audio materials to educate yourself, and help you manifest your desires. Your journey is just beginning. If you've gotten this far, you will start to feel as if you have the power to transform your life am I right? Your thoughts and feelings about your future will start to come in on a daily basis. And again, as mentioned on the these CD series, "This is just the tip of the iceberg". Copy or click link below to listen to disk 12 of the your wish is your command series.