
Showing posts from January, 2016

Principles of Leadership (Parts 1

"A real man loves the sting of battle, a winner loves a fight, a winner loves a challenge, a winner knows that they will win they are tactically aggressive".      -Principles of Leadership 

Tens of millions in ignorance about hidden population control

If there has ever been decades of information blackout on most of the people of the world, without doubt it is the germ theory of disease. For background on the germ theory of disease vs. the hidden Orthodox truth that disease originate within the human body, not outside the body, do a web search for "Pasteur vs. Bechamp (1816-1908), two French scientist, proposed diametrically opposed explanations on illness. Pasteur suggested the germ theory microbes produce illnesses. Bechamp offered the cellular theory - illnesses produce microbes. The first became famous, the second was forgotten. Who was right? "Bechamp (doctor, biologist, chemist and physics) discovered microbes before Pasteur (chemist). After years of observation, he was able to prove that human beings create their own microbes in order to re-establish aura and balance inside tissues and organs. Bechamp also discovered microzymas, and The smallest live in particles. These changed their shape and became microbes