Tens of millions in ignorance about hidden population control

If there has ever been decades of information blackout on most of the people of the world, without doubt it is the germ theory of disease. For background on the germ theory of disease vs. the hidden Orthodox truth that disease originate within the human body, not outside the body, do a web search for "Pasteur vs. Bechamp (1816-1908), two French scientist, proposed diametrically opposed explanations on illness. Pasteur suggested the germ theory microbes produce illnesses. Bechamp offered the cellular theory - illnesses produce microbes. The first became famous, the second was forgotten. Who was right?

"Bechamp (doctor, biologist, chemist and physics) discovered microbes before Pasteur (chemist). After years of observation, he was able to prove that human beings create their own microbes in order to re-establish aura and balance inside tissues and organs. Bechamp also discovered microzymas, and The smallest live in particles. These changed their shape and became microbes when a persons health deteriorated. Jones were actually allies.

"Pasteur used and falsified Bechamp's results, published them under his own name with opposite conclusions. Today, he is still considered one of the humanities most cherished saviors, A God shepherd for the human flock (Pasteur means 'shepherd' in French ). According to Pasteur, illnesses are due to aggression from microscopic external pathogens. Each type of microbe has a specific shape and always causes the same disease. This theory is called monomorphism. To prevent illness, he proposed that we go to war against microbes. In fact, Pasteur was paid by the elite, Who wanted to develop efficient eugenic methods.

"Institute Pasteur and the entire field of vaccination were financed as early as 1887 by world Bankster's, the Rothschild's. They made sure that Pasteur's theory became the norm across the planet. The illusive concept of the priority of the external world over the internal person sent its roots even deeper, keeping human beings the victims of invisible external enemies - microbes. Yet, Bechamp had proven the opposite. In fact, there is no external enemy. The body creates its own micro organisms in order to re-establish order and balance. Several scientists, including Royal Ramen Rife (1920) and Wilhelm Reich (1930), later proved the existence of Bechamp's microzymas. On his death bed, Pasteur admitted: 'The terrain is everything, The germ is nothing.' Too late! Vaccination, the biggest crime against humanity, was alive and well. The elite had found their ultimate weapon."
The simple lie is that sickness in the human body is caused by germs outside the body. The American people have been bombarded with this false medical protocol for more than 100 years. I would guess that at least 98% of doctors believe in vaccinations and inoculations. Medical schools and the controlled press promote the germ theory of disease by promoting total vaccination of the population. Every new baby is punished with the needle sticks of vaccinations. Only a few is scape under the protection of knowledgeable parents. There is no public forum against total vaccination of all children and most of the population. It is made possible by persuasion, "education" and the doctor-led indoctrination.

Vaccinations are heavily promoted and financed by the super rich in league with the government and the medical establishment, Big Pharma and the bankers. Why? What interest does big finance have in universal vaccinations? The answer is that above vested interests are absolutely committed to population control without calling it such. Then how can vaccinations kill millions and no one knows? The simple answer is that vaccinations do kill en masse, but the crime is hidden by the lag between cause and effect. We all know the often crippling and deadly short-term effects of vaccinations. As for the long-term effects, it may be years before the effects of vaccinations become mortal. Vaccinations put a cap on longevity. This fact is known! 

*The above are excerpts from a recent Bob Livingston Letter, providing timely information on diverse subjects. Do a web search "Bob Livingston Letter".


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