The Health Hazards of Smart Meters

Smart meters have been associated with privacy issues, data security issues, and fire safety issues. However, the most important concern may be health issues, coming from the signal radiation they give off while reporting the data to the central utility office. They are an unconstitutional invasion of your home, according to the fourth amendment and the US Constitution. While utility companies maintain smart meters are safe, many of their clients and health experts disagree.

Smart meters has been linked to sleep problems, stress and irritability, headaches and biological changes in the brain, memory and concentration problems, dizziness and balance problems, nausea and flu like symptoms, ear pain and ringing in the ears, eye pain, sinus problems and nose bleeds, diabetes, heart palpitation and chest pain, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, arthritis and body pain, endocrine and thyroid disorders, recurrence of Cancer, leg cramps, menstrual cycle irregularities, urinary disorders, fatigue, skin rashes, seizures, hyperactivity in children, cell damage, DNA chain breaks, breaches in the blood-brain barrier, adverse reproductive effects and other disorders. Smart meters can also cause medical implants (pacemakers, stimulators, etc.) to stop working. There is a direct connection between smart meter radiation and other airwave radiation to the death of honeybees and other "animals," including people.

The World Health Organization in 2011 placed radiation from smart meters on the class 2-B Carcinogen list, and the Karolinska Institute (which awards the Nobel Prizes) issued a Global health warning against wireless smart meters. The American Academy of environmental medicine has called for a moratorium on smart meters. At least 57 California cities or counties and 18 British Columbia councils have registered opposition to or placed moratoriums on smart meters.

Smart meters do not shut off. They are emitting radiation around the clock that is 100 times greater than the radiation from Cell phones. Once installed they are difficult to get rid off. Some utility customers have been able to minimize the radiation by installing some lead sheeting around the meter. Many property owners reported that smart meters have reduced the market value of their property by making it less sale able or rentable. If you want to prevent installation, you can do something about it. 
For details visit: If a smart meter has been installed on your property and you want to replace it with a Seif analog meter do a web search for "change your smart meter."

Suggested reading: just say no to big brothers smart meters - by Orlean Koehle


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