Did you know?

Did you know that scientists have recently begun to investigate whether or not food can have as powerful impact on the mind as it does on the body. "Research exploring the link between diet and mental health is a rather new field. The first papers only came out a few years ago," said Michael Berk, a professor of psychiatry at the Deakin University School of Medicine in Australia. "But the results are unusually consistent, and they show a link between diet quality and mental health. In several studies, Berk and his associates have found lower rates of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, low IQ, and criminality among those who consumed a traditional diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts and meat that among people who followed the typical Western diet heavy with processed and fast foods. The association between diet and mental health may even start at birth, linking a mother's consumption of sweets and processed foods during pregnancy with the mental health of her child.


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