Long-Term Effects of Immunizations

A vaccination is a method by which diluted disease agents are introduced into the system by avoiding the natural defense mechanism of the body. They are in a sense parachuted behind enemy lines. Without any means to expel these agent pathogens they are eventually incorporated into the cells of the body. This creates a profound confusion throughout the entire organism as to what is actually the real organism which is to be protected, and what is foreign, which is to be expelled. Eventually, usually after several years, the immune system will begin to attack cells within the body to rid the organism of the foreign substance. This results in chronic auto-immune disease. It is no mystery how much auto-immune disease and other vaccine-related diseases there are in America today. 

The "people" who perpetrate the "Immunization" racket are well versed in psychological warfare. Mass crimes are created under the altruistic phrase, "for the greater good," - which translates to "more control to the corporate state." This is the perfect crime based on confusion of cause and effect. It takes several years for the consequences to manifest. Nazi Germany started mass compulsory immunization in 1940. The number of diphtheria increased from 40,000 to 250,000 by 1945, virtually all among immunized children. 

     Suggested Reading: The case Against Immunization - by Richard Moskowitz MD, DPT: A Shot in the Dark - by Harris Coulter.


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