Quotes about Vaccination

"Crib Death was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination against childhood diseases."           
                              -Harris L. Coulter PhD

"Only after realizing that routine immunizations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant deaths rates. The worst vaccine of all is the Whopping Cough vaccine. It is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage." 
                            -Dr. Kalokerinos, M.D.

"This report describes 7 mothers who received Live Virus vaccines and one who received a Hepatitis B vaccine during pregnancy after having received an MMR booster five months prior to conception. All the children who resulted from these pregnancies have had developmental problems; six out of seven  (85%) were diagnosed with autism, and the seventh with autistic spectrum disorder."
                   Dr. F Edward Yazbak, M.D.

"Vaccination is expensive and represents a cost of one billion dollars annually. It therefore benefits the industry. One sells the vaccines the other then provides the arsenal of drugs to respond to the numerous complications that follow."
                    -Dr. Lanctot, M.D.

"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of Cancer and Leukemia. Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia. "
                 -Professor L. Vincent    Founder of Bioelectronics

"The incidence of Asthma has been found to be five times higher in vaccinated children than in unvaccinated children."
                                    The Lancet -1994

"It is officially admitted that all cases of Polio in the U.S. since the introduction of of the vaccine are caused by the vaccine. The same has been seen in Australia, England and other countries."
                             Dr. Viera Scheibner

"Why is the government so vaccine-obsessed? Under the guise of preventing disease, vaccines are ideal carriers for all sorts of genes that can permanently incorporate into the human structure and create a compromised, more docile human."  
                         Dr. Raymond Barrymore

"Pumping the body full of vaccines without understanding such basics as how they'll affect immune system functions over time borders on the criminal." 
            Nicholas Regush - Vaccine Researcher 

"Merck routinely falsifies lab results of its mump vaccine to keep receiving government contracts for an ineffective and dangerous vaccine." 
                Merck virologist whistleblowers

"There are no safe vaccines, there never have been safe vaccines, and never will there be safe vaccines. The reason why is: the process of vaccination defies the natural function of the immune system." 
               Dr. Susanna Humphries -a Kidney Specialist who observed patients experiencing kidney failure after receiving flu shots.

"There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway."
                      Dr. J. Anthony Morris -former FDA Chief Vaccine Control Officer

"For some readers the very idea that vaccines are anything but wonderful and life-saving may come as a surprise. After all, the general population has been brainwashed to believe that vaccines are one of modern medicine's best and brightest moments."    
                     Dr. Richard Pitcairn - D.V.M., Ph.D.

"Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, and the whole panoply of childhood diseases are a far less serious threat than having a large section (say 10%) of a generation afflicted with learning disabilities and/or uncontrollable aggressive behavior because of an impassioned crusade for universal vaccination. Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflict of interest and insulated from independent scrutiny. The evidence is far too poor to warrant overriding the independent judgments of patients, parents, and physicians." 
                -Association of American Physicians

In a confidential letter to senior Neurologists, the UK's Health Protection Agency warned of Swine Flu Vaccine links to a serious nerve disorder called Guillain - Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing inability to breathe and paralysis and can be fatal. The letter was leaked to The Daily News, leading to demands why this information was withheld from the public. 

Ask your Vaccine Shootist why vaccine manufactures are not held liable for the side effects of their products? For more vaccine-related information visit: www.vaclib.org.  

Thank you for visiting. Please share and be aware! 


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